hello curious,

come and share my little secrets
come and wake up in my dreams
imagine me naked
obey my rules
destroy your thoughts
be invisible
swim in my sea
be my belongings
but do not belong to me!

12 Ocak 2010 Salı


-Mom, have you got a sec?
-Yes dear. What is it?
-I was wondering what you would say if I told you I wanted to be a doctor.
-That’s wonderful dear. I am sure you would be a great doctor.
-Really! Thanks. How about a teacher?
-That’s good too. I am sure you would be very successful in that as well.
-Oh, ok then, what do you think about a lawyer?
-That too, it really suits you.
-An engineer?
-Well, it’s a tough thing to do for women, but you would be good at it, I suppose.
-A writer?
-Aha, sure I can see that.
-A police officer.
-Himm, kind of dangerous but why not?
-How about… ah, let’s see…
-You know what honey, you would be great at anything, and I will always be proud of you whatever you choose to be. I want you to know that.
-Yes, really.
-Of course, I promise.
-Thanks mom, you are the best, I was actually going to tell you, I have decided to be a stripper.
There, in the kitchen the poor woman cut herself with the glasses she was washing. I didn’t think it sounded that bad, it wasn’t like I‘ve told her, I would be a prostitute or something.
-Mom, you alright.
-Yes, yes, I’m fine, I just thought for a second you have said stripper, oh silly me, good God, what were you saying dear?
-I do. I want to be a stripper. I am actually going to audition this coming Monday, and I’d like it if you and dad can make it.
-Oh, good, good.. sure I‘ll ask dad and see what he thinks.
-No worries, I have actually told him, and he seemed very fond of it.
-Ok, than let’s discuss it in the supper.
-Cool, I ‘ll go up and rehearse my moves.

A little while later, around the table, everyone seemed a little tense, my cousin Jeff and my brother Edgar was there as well, wondering what was going on. Mom started the talking pretending it was a normal thanksgiving.
-Now let us pray first. Dear Lord, thanks for bringing us altogether on this important day. Thank you Lord for providing us this lovely food. Thank you for gathering us together as a family. Amen.
-Anyone wants soup?
Silence took over. My dad nodded, trying so hard not to look at me.
-Ok, then here you go honey, well Edgar would you go get the turkey honey.
-Mom, dad, since we are altogether, I‘d like to give my thanks.
-Oh dear, thank you.
-No, thank you mom. Jeff, remember that thing we have talked about, I’ve actually just shared my decision with them and they agreed on it.
Edgar came back with the turkey and sat down.
-What are you talking about?
-Well, I am going to be a stripper.

17 Aralık 2009 Perşembe

anal bir trafik kazasi...

Yagmurlu bir aksamin bogaz koprusune giris trafiginde sikismis bedenimi, zevzek radyo kanallariyla avutmaya calistigim, her korna sesinde, kornayi calanin da caldiranin da kafasini direksiyona vura vura parcalamayi hayal ettigim, sileceklerime konsantre olarak ofkemi dindirme cabasi icinde oldugum bir aksam, ani bir sarsintiyla goguslerimi direksiyona carparak irkildim. Dikiz aynasindan arkamdaki arabanin benimle coktan anal bir girisimle birlestigini gordum. Icimden ona kadar saymak yerine, cantamdan kirmizi ruju alip dudaklarima surdum. Usulca kapiyi acip arabama ne kadar tecavuz edildigini gormek icin arkaya dogru ilerledim. Benim indigimi gorunce beyefendi camini araladi, yagmurda islanan bedenim ona duydugum ofkeyi damla damla arttiriyordu. Yanina gittim,

-Saga cek!

-Kusura bakmayin, bir anda oldu, sigorta sirketim..

-Saga cek dedim!

Arabama geri donup once onun saga cekmesini izledim sonra ben de saga sinyal verip onun arkasina park edip, dortluleri yaktim. Yagmurla birlikte korna sesleri de artiyordu. Birkac dakika arabada durup onu izledim. Yagmurda islanmamak icin arabasindan inmiyordu, surekli cep telefonuyla birilerini ariyordu. “ahmak…” Tekrar arabamdan inip, onde park ettigi arabasina yaklastim, cama vurdum. Bir elinde cep telefonu telasla cami acti. Ani bir hareketle elindeki telefonu alip yere atip, topuklu ayakkabilarimla ezdim. Dehsete kapilmis bir sekilde bana bakip,

-Hanimefendi, n’apiyorsunuz? Bakin, yanlislikla oldu, ben zarari karsilamaya hazirim.

-Simdi sira sende, in arabadan!

-Bakin, isterseniz polis cagiralim, yani ben, aramizda hallederiz diye dusunmustum.

-Halledecegiz zaten, in arabadan.

Oyle saskindi ki, inmek icin hamle yaptiginda emniyet kemerinin takili oldugunun bile farkinda degildi. Beyefendinin kapisini acip onu arabasindan indirdim. Aslinda fena bir adama benzemiyordu; 40 yaslarinda, kumral, takim elbiseli, evil oldugu her halinden belli, sumsuk bir herifti iste. Ama dikkatsiz araba kullanmanin cezasini cekmeliydi. Karsimda simdi ne yapacagiz der gibi bana bakiyordu. Kravatindan tutup arabasinin onune getirdim.

-Yat yere!

-Anlamadim, pardon, sey saka yapiyorsunuz herhalde, bakin isterseniz simdi

-Anlasilmayacak birsey yok, yere yat!

Yagmurdan islanmis yola isteksizce oturdu, ne olacagindan habersiz oylece bana bakiyordu. Ayagimla bedenini yola yapistirdim.

-Dikkatsiz araba kullanmanin cezasi ne bilmiyor musun?

Kafasini zavalli bir sekilde iki yana salladi.

-O halde ogrenmenin zamani geldi.

Usulca sag ayagimla uzerine bastim.

-Yapmayin, lutfen, bakin cok canim..

-Cezani odemeden burden gidemezsin.

Sonra diger ayagimla karnini ezmeye basladim. Onu orada ezmekten o kadar cok zevk aliyordum ki, etraftaki diger arabalar umrumda bile degildi. Tek amacim ona yaptiginin bedelini unutmayacagi sekilde odetmekti. Gittikce daha sert basiyordum ustune, once parmak ucumla sonra ayakkabimin topuguyla ona varligimi hisettiriyordum. Acidan kivraniyordu.
Son bir kez iki ayagimla uzerine ciktim,

-Zavalli bir adamsin sen! Tekrar et ne kadar zavalli oldugunu soyle bana.

Agirligimi tasiyamaz hale gelmisti, guclukle kivranarak

-Zavalliyim ben

-Aferin, iste bu kadar.

Uzerinden indim. Yerde sirilsiklam olmus bir halde acidan kivraniyordu.

-Bir dahaki sefere daha dikkatli ol!

Beni duymadi bile, hafifce dogruldu, ellerini yuzune goturdu. Arkami donup arabama gittim. Ofkem tam anlamiyla gecmemisti sanki, son birsey daha yapmaliydim. Arabama binip calistirdim, onun yerde cep telefonunun parcalarini toplamasini izledim. Tam arabasina bindigi sirada, sert bir gaz hamlesiyle, arabasina arkadan carptim, Geriye alip yavasca gulumseyerek yanindan gecip gittim. Sonunda rahatlamistim…

16 Aralık 2009 Çarşamba


Uzun suredir telefonda konusuyorduk. Bir ay once telefon caldiginda ilk kez sesini duydum. Yanlis numara oldugunu anladigimda telefonu “onemli degil” cevabiyla kapattim. Ama tuhaf bir sekilde butun gece telefonda duydugum sesin kim oldugunu dusunmeden edemedim. Sonar tekrar aradi. Ve hicbirsey olmamis gibi bana gununun nasil gectigini anlatti. Sanki birbirimizi taniyormus gibi saatlerce konustuk. Ikimizde ismimizi soylemedik, sormadik. Gecelerce devam etti bu. Neredeyse her gece ayni saatte beni aradi. Bazi aksamlar sirf onun sesini duymak icin hoslandigim adamlari bile bulustugum yerlerde birakip eve gelmeye basladim. Bir kac hafta sonra bana fantazilerini anlatmaya basladi. Konusma daha da ilginclesmisti. Inanilmaz derecede tahrik edici bir ses tonu olan bu yabancinin daha “merhaba” demesiyle islaniyordum. Anlattigi hikayeler gercekmiydi bilmiyorum. Ama ben gercekmiscesine dinleyip sanki her hikayesinde ben de varmisim, birlikte oldugu kadin benmisim gibi heyecanlaniyordum. Bazi geceler aramadiginda sinirleniyordum. Kesin dun gece anlattigi surtukle bulustu ve su an onu beceriyor diye dusunup kiskaniyordum. Ama bunu ona asla belli etmiyordum. Ona ayak uydurmak icin cogu zaman kafamda kurguladigim seks hikayelerini anlatiyordum, nefes alip verisine gore hikayelerin dozunu degistiriyordum. Boylelikle nelerden daha cok zevk aldigini anlamaya baslamistim. Mesela kesinlikle ayak fetisi vardi. Oyle oldugunu soylemedi ama ne zaman “sonra ayaklarimi yaladi” desem daha hizli nefes aldigini farkediyordum, ya da “ayakkabilarimi cikarmami istedi” deyip cumleyi yarim biraktigimda hemen “lutfen devam et” diyordu. O kadar uzun suruyordu ki konusmalar, cogu zaman tuvalete girmem gerekiyordu, bir kac seferinde bunu ona soyledigimde fazlasiyla tahrik oldugunu hissettim, iserken onunla konusmaya devam etmemi istedigini anladim. Ruyalarimda bile sesini duymaya baslamistim, ama bir turlu ona bir yuz oturtamiyordum. Sadece sesini duyup onu ariyordum. Artik gercekten merak sinirim artmisti. Onu tanimak istiyordum. Bir aydir her gece konustugum, tum fantazilerini, tum zevklerini bildigim bu yabanciyi gormek istedigime karar verdim. Bir yandan da ya hayalkirikligina ugrarsam diye korkuyordum. Sanirim onu gorme istegim agir basti. Ve birkac gun once aradiginda bunu ona soyledim. Bunun mumkun olmayacagini soyleyip telefonu kapatti. Ne yapacagimi bilemedim. Telefonunu bilmedigim icin onu geri arayamadim. Iki gun boyunca evden cikmadan aramasini bekledim. Keske hic boyle bir teklifi yapmasaydim. Keske hic sesini duymasaydim. Ona olan arzum gittikce buyuyordu. Sanki hicbir erkegi bu denli istememistim. Butun gece uyuyamamistim, sabah dogru bir elimde telefon dalmisim. Kapi sesine uyandim. Saat daha 10 bile olmamisti, uzerime sabahligi gecirip kapiyi actim. Kuryeci genc bir cocuk elindeki kocaman paketi bana uzatip gitti. Paketi alelacele actim, icinden kirmizi dar mini bir elbise, lacivert sivri topuklu bir cift ayakkabi ve sari bir zarf cikti. Zarfin icindeki kartta bir tekne partisinin davetiyesi vardi. Bir de el yazisiyla kucuk bir not ilave edilmisti “sen istedin…”

to be continued...

15 Aralık 2009 Salı

a man, a child and his game...

It is not a synchronized event. It is not choreographed either. Nor it should be a race to get to the orgasm. Giving pleasure can be equal to getting some. When you sleep with a stranger, most of the times it turns out to be a competition. Guys, sorry, most guys love to show themselves off, they do stuff without even considering whether you are enjoying it or not.
He was one of them as well. It all started out fun, we met at a coffee shop. he asked for a chai latte, I asked for a double espresso. It was early and I was cranky. I didn’t even notice him until I started drinking his chai latte, so we sat down, had a quick chit chat and he asked me out for the next night. I believed him to be cute so without much thinking, we settled our date.
We met at a sushi restaurant, he was polite and funny, I was curious and horny. After having quite a lot of rolls and couple bottles of warm sake, he offered to get a drink at his place. So I went along with him to see how thing would unfold.

As soon as we stepped in the apartment, he did his best to create the atmosphere. Slow music, dim lights, glass of wine, cozy couch, classic beginning for the pre intercourse… then little kisses, touching, interesting moves to take my bra off, ok, I was ok with most of them, though it seemed a little too choreographed, I could live with that. It seemed all like a sincere approach to get laid without scaring the woman right away. Until he got down to the under belly… that’s when he turned into a gynecologist. Right after taking my panties off, he was down there doing the most uncomfortable “how many fingers can I fit in here” move. What a shame! He was forcing his fingers in trying to open new doors for himself or something. Watching too much porn, I believe causes this kind of head trauma. I tapped his shoulder to ask him what he was looking for down there. He looked at my face very proud and said “now, it is your turn”. Excuse me but since when we have started to take turns? What made him think that it’s a tournament? Trying to find my panties, I apologized and told him I had to leave since it was getting late. He said “but I made you cum and you didn’t” , poor little child I am sure this is not the first time, I thought. “Well, sorry, maybe next time” I said as I was dressing up. “no, I want to do it now, lets both do it at the same time so we can come together, come on I know you enjoy it” . I didn’t know how to answer this, let’s see synchronized coming I believe was what he was referring to. Not interested. Not with a guy who obviously failed in the anatomy class. “Really, I should get going. Thanks for the wine” He wouldn’t let go though, he said “at least give me a hand job, you know it is not fair what you did, I gave you an orgasm and now you are leaving me, like this” pointing at his little penis. You know I try not to be so harsh, I do really. “I am sorry, I have to go now.” But some guys don’t take no as an answer, he was also one of them. He got up, locked the door and said “ I wont let you go until you finish me off” . Great I thought what now? What kind of son of a bitch was he? I was getting furious. Why had I even accepted this date in the first place? I looked at his desperate eyes, and said “you are right, let me get you off” so I did what I had to do. I sat him down, got down on my knees and took his thing in my mouth. Slowly first, then with the use of my teeth almost chewed him, his moaning turned into painful screams, he was begging me to stop, but it was too late. You asked for it, you got it. When I finally stopped, he was all red and swollen, I didn’t have to say a thing, he handed the keys to me, “ I will let myself out, it was lovely meeting you, we should do this again sometimes, good night” there I left him crying on his cozy couch, holding on to his dick, just as he would when he was a child.

10 Aralık 2009 Perşembe

the business dinner

Last Friday night, I had to go to a business dinner. I usually try and avoid these meetings but that night for some reason my boss was so pushy that even my best excuse didn’t work. So I agreed and tried to make it fast and painless. It was held in a nice roof top restaurant and all the associates were there mostly with their beloved ones. As you can imagine, I was there alone, smiling more to ignore their judging glances. Unfortunately, I had to sit next to this guy whom I fucked on the toilet seat at work a month ago and he came with his wife. “What a surprise!” I didn’t even know he was married honestly. I introduced myself to his wife, we shook hands and she looked at me and said;

-Nice shoes.
-Oh thanks, nice to meet you too.

That was weird. But what the hell, I should care less. So I decided to indulge myself in eating and drinking expensive champagne; thinking she would leave me alone if I look busy with the food. But she didn’t.

-Have we met before?
-No, I wouldn’t imagine we have.
-You have a very familiar face.
-Well, I get that a lot.
-Sure, it’s very beautiful.

“Compliments coming from the wife, nice but uncomfortable, especially when you have fucked his man”

-Thanks, you too. I mean, your husband is very lucky.
-You should come have dinner with us sometime. Actually we are holding a house warming party this weekend, we would be happy to have you as well. Wouldn’t we darling?

I could tell he was more nervous than me, he tried to nod.

-I wish I could but I will be out of town this weekend.
-Oh well, maybe next weekend we can have you for dinner.
-Thanks, it is very kind of you. Excuse me, I ll use the ladies room.

Just as I was making my escape, she looked at me and said;

-Why don’t you accompany her to the restroom honey?
-No, no thanks, it isn’t necessary, I ll be fine.
-In that case I ll come with you.

I smiled at her, thinking “What was she thinking? Did she know? Did he tell her? I should have never fucked him in the first place. Fuck!” So there we were walking in the hallway in silence. It was the longest silence and the longest hallway. Finally, restrooms; there I was entering and holding my breath.

-After you.

I didn’t even have to pee, but to avoid the awkwardness I just sat there, until someone knocked on the door.

-I ll be just a sec.

I flushed the toilet and paced myself, I wasn’t sure what was more discomforting, the fact that she was there, the fact that she would have known or the fact that she was actually more dominant than me. God, I couldn’t say no to this woman. I heard the door slammed, and got a slight relief, hoping she would have left. So, I held my breath and opened the door. She was gone. Finally. I wished I wouldn’t have to go back. I put some cold water over my face, and tried to pull myself together. Then I fixed my make up and decided the best thing to was to act cool. As I was ready to go back, the door opened and she appeared. At that time I realized she had the same exact black high-heeled leather shoes that I had. She stared at me with a slight grin on her face, then opened the door again to let her husband in. Then she locked it. There we were, the guy I fucked, the wife of the guy I fucked and me, all three of us, standing and stunned. Before I could make my move, she pushed her husband towards me and ordered.

-Let me see how you fucked my husband.
-What? Look, I have no idea what you are talking about.
-Oh, I am sure you do. And I would love to see the demonstration. I believe you like to do it on the toilet seat.

He had told her, “what a fucking asshole” and he was there looking like a piece of shit. I realized there was one way to stop all this. I had to start acting. I had to take charge. Her being so on top of me really bugged me. I couldn’t act submissive anymore. So I took my best shot.

-You bitch, come over here and eat me if you want to see some action. And you ass hole lick her ass while she is doing me.

She gave me one more look and did come next to me got on her knees and slowly took off my knickers.

-Let me rephrase that you piece of shit come here and start licking.

He didn’t have a choice so he obeyed and actually started licking her. She was doing me like a pro, I was surprised to see how things were turning around. I was almost coming and from her moaning I supposed she was as well. But I didn’t want to loose my power so I yelled at her.

-Not good enough bitch, spank her, she is missing the spot.

He started spanking his wife, it turned her on even more and she was digging her tongue even deeper. I pulled her hair with one hand.

-Enough! Now I want you to fuck the bitch on the toilet seat.

So he did. He sat his wife on his lap and started fucking. From what I was hearing, I could tell they were having a good time. I didn’t want to be a part of it anymore, but I had to finish my business.

-Harder, you asshole, do it on her back.

I guided their moves for another five minutes until they both came. I took some tissues and handed to the wife.

-Now, we are even.

I left the restroom and quickly took my coat and left the restaurant. “What a night?” I was glad that it was over. I came home, took a shower and tried to get rid of the smell of the night.

The next day I woke up with a knock on the door. I opened it and the delivery guy brought me a bucket of red roses with an envelope. I tipped him and set the roses on the table, wondering “who could have sent the flowers?’ I tore the envelope.

There it was, from the happy couple:

“Thank you for an unforgettable night. We would love to do it again soon. You are amazing. Yours truly.”

Oh crap, not again…


I live on the sixth floor of an apartment building. To be honest, occasionally when I get bored I like to peek on my neighbors. I used to watch this young couple living across the street; it was pretty amazing how much sex they were having at first. For a while I kept on watching them doing in the living room and couple times I even took a glance on them in the bedroom when the blinds were off. Hot, hot, hot I would think, he was always ready, she was always naked. It would turn me on so much that I even considered joining them. This went on for about a month, and then I got bored. It was always the same moves; first they would start kissing on the sofa, getting all worked up then move the business to the bedroom. She would be on top first then he would get on her back and it was over. I started thinking “if I even get bored watching them have sex, how bored they must have been”. I wanted to do something for them, and started wondering what should be done to spice up things. I got this invitation to the fetish party that one of my friends was throwing at his apartment. So I sent an invitation to them hoping they would show up. That Saturday, I woke up all excited, thinking “they must have been thrilled”. I kept looking over at the apartment to see what was happening; unfortunately the blinds were on and couldn’t see a fucking thing. I kept peeking all day long, but nothing, it was strange, I have never seen all the blinds closed before. Anyway I decided to forget it and started getting ready for the party. I put on my leather mini skirt with the iron bra and tried on the black wig which I don’t usually wear unless I want to be discreet. With my black heels and sensational whip, I seemed very happening. So I took a cab and went to the party zone.
Mr X, who was my ex –not boyfriend, fuck body perhaps, now we are mostly friends other than the emergency situations-opened the door wearing his best bondage costume, kissed me on the cheek.
-Great you made it missy, get in and get ready to get off.
-Oh, so this is the party. You must be punished for not licking my shoes first. Turn around now.
I whipped him a couple of times, as a part of our official greeting. Then I went in the house and started mingling. He had a gorgeous loft, it was huge. He was a well-known banker quite rich and pretty well-known, not for his fetish of course. It was more crowded than I have expected almost a hundred people all wearing their kinky costumes. I went to the bar, and ordered a vodka martini straight up with a twist. Cute bartender, naked wearing just a bow, “nice touch” I thought, though he looked a little too gay. I took the drink and ordered him to turn around.
-Bad bartender, I wanted a twist not an olive.
-My apologies, mistress.
So I whipped his bare ass as well. Took the drink and tried to join the crowd. Its funny how many people that would seem normal during the day would actually show up to these parties wearing, say pantyhose. I once bumped into my ex-boss in one of these; it was one of the oddest situations, and the funniest I suppose. Anyway, I went around, whipped couple more guys and one of my other ex’s wife. She was in a school girl costume “cheesy, aye” well, it kind of disgusted me, so I whipped her even harder, trying to get used to the whole thing she didn’t say a word though. For some reason I wasn’t feeling it, guess it was the disappointment, I really wished they would make it here, perhaps because I wanted to meet with them, or just to save their boring sex life. I took another drink, this time he didn’t even put a twist to get himself whipped I suppose, but I didn’t even realize. I decided to go upstairs where the party would get hotter. On the steps, there he was, Mr. T. –I called him that since he would do anything to be trampled- and I knew he would love it if you don’t realize he is there lying. So I stepped on him and got my heels stuck on his bare stomach. It must have hurt big time. Well, he liked it that way. I went up and saw couple people fucking in the bedroom. Then I went in to bathroom, there was Mr X.’s cousin lying in the bathtub, and having this girl pee all over his face. I sat down on the toilet and started peeing myself watching her pee on him.
-Never mind me, I’ll just be a sec.
They didn’t seem to care anyway. I finished my business, and took a quick glance at my make up and left the bathroom. I went out to the balcony hoping to find a cigarette. There was a guy looking very normal, actually too normal to be at this party. He was smoking and drinking a beer. I tapped his shoulder
-Hey stranger, have another one of those?
He nodded.
-You better light it, or I will get your ass whipped.
The first rule is never to hesitate when you act like this, if for a second you do hesitate, you will sound ridiculous. There, I hesitated. But he looked too normal; it was as if he was on a cigarette break or something. Anyway, he giggled and gave me a condescending look.
-Yeah, right.
I exhaled on his face, trying to get it altogether.
-What are you doing here, anyway?
-That is my question exactly.
-Well, what?
-Don’t you have a fetish?
-Well, I don’t.
Always very disappointed to hear that, all the cute guys are normal or gay.
-This certainly is not where you should be then.
-Why would you come here in the first place?
-I got this invitation.
He pulled the invitation from his pocket and showed it to me. It was the invitation I sent to the couple. “How could this be?”
-I know this might sound a bit inappropriate, but do you live on Third Street?
-Yes, I have just moved there. How do you know?
-Apartment 6?
-Are you the one that sent the invitation?
-Well, not exactly. I sent it to a couple that used to live there. You see, I live across the street from your place and I wanted to…Actually I don’t really know what I was thinking, I didn’t know them as well, so let’s forget this. Want to get a drink?
He seemed all confused, I didn’t understand “why it was a big deal.” “What a pussy” I thought and decided to get a drink myself. As I made my move, he grabbed my arm, pulled me towards him and started kissing me. Then he took my whip, and slammed me very hard with it.
-I want to fuck you.
-Not if I fuck you first.
So, there in the cold balcony, I obeyed him and led him do me, thinking “now I have a new neighbor…”

7 Aralık 2009 Pazartesi

Uyandigimda hala yanimdaydi...

Sanirim gitmeden son bir kez daha beni becermek derdindeydi. Sabahlari bu yuzden sevmiyorum. Butun suc geceyi birlikte gecirdigim adamlarin… Sabahlari bir an once gitmeleri icin elimden gelen herseyi yapiyorum. Onceleri uyuyorum numarasi yapiyordum ama inanin bana erkekler ruyamda bile beni sikebilirler. Uyuma numarasi cogu zaman cok daha kotu sonuclar verebiliyor. En mantiklisinin gitmek icin kalkip ayni anda kapidan ciktiktan sonra bir sokak yuruyup geri donmek olduguna karar verdim. Sirf bu yuzden kosedeki bankada veznedar olarak calismaya baslayabilirim. Gerci, yapmadim degil. Cogu zaman hem kosulsuz seksi kiskirtacak hem de kosullu sabahlari engelleyecek mesleklerle tanistirdim kendimi. Mesela; hostesim ve sabah ucusum var gibi ya da ingilizce ogretmeniyim sabah dersim var gibi…Tabi adamin arabasi varsa ve israrla ise birakmayi teklif ederse; iste o an, o an geri donusu cok zor olan bir yolun basidir. Ne kadar nazikce reddedilirse edilsin eger adam ise birakmayi kafasina koyduysa, hayali isyerine kadar arabayla gidilip, taksiyle geri donmek gerekir. Yine de tum bunlara aldiris etmeyen ve sabahin korunde de olsa tekrar sevismek isteyen, bunun icin gerekirse saatini kurup iki saat uykudan sonra bile son bir kez daha, hadi lutfen diyen adamlar var.

Iste bu adam da bunlardan biriydi. Uyandigimda hala yanimdaydi. Bir eliyle kendini digeriyle beni oksuyordu. Bense sadece ve sadece uyumak istiyordum. Uyumak. Onu orada bu denli istekli gorunce cok sinirlendim. Evet, dun gece onu eve ben davet etmistim, ama o dun geceydi, ve artik gece bitmis, gun baslamisti. Yeni bir gune eski bir erkekle baslamak da neyin nesiydi. Yeni bir gun ancak yeni bir erkekle baslanirsa, yeni bir gun olabilirdi. Ondan kurtulmam icin once ismini hatirlamam gerekiyordu. Kafami yastiga gomup dusundum. O ise hic orali degildi. Usulca yanima sokulup ciplak bedenini bana surtmeye devam etti. Sirtimi opmeye basladi bir yandan da kalcalarima dokunuyordu. Hala ismini hatirlayamamistim. Belki de soylememisti zaten. Belki de hic tanismadan sevismeye baslamistik. Tanrim, biran once kurtulmaliyim, bir an once evimi terketmeliydi. Aklimdan binlerce senaryo gecti, acaba adamla tanistigimda bir meslek belirtmismiydim. O butun bunlardan habersiz, dokunuslarina kendince bir hiz katmisti. Cabuk olmam gerektigini, parmaklarini icimde hissettigimde anladim. Kulagima nefesiyle karismis sesiyle “Dun gece yaptigini yap, hadi nazlanma” dedi. “O dun geceydi ve bu, bu sabah, ismini bile hatirlamiyorum, lutfen kapiyi cekip git, ve uyumama izin ver” demek istedim. Bunu neden diyemedigimi bilmiyorum. Gercekten de bilmiyorum. Aniden yataktan firladim, “Kahretsin saat 8 olmus” dedim, “Gec kaliyorum, cok onemli bir toplantim var” . Banyoya gidip, dusu actim. Tuvalette biraz oturduktan sonra, umarim giyinmistir ve benden once cikar diye dua etmeye basladim. Vucudumu biraz islatip, havluyla odaya girdim. Adam hala oylece orda yatiyordu. Sanki beni duymamis gibiydi. Goz goze gelmemeye calisarak yuksek sesle tekrarladim “bir an once cikmaliyim, yoksa patron bozuk atar”. Dolabi acip uzerime birseyler giymeye basladim. Herseyi inanilmaz bir hizla yapiyordum, -ise gec kalmis kadin profili- bir yandan da “umarim ne is yaptigimi sormaz, umarim ne is yaptigimi soylememisimdir, umarim bir an once kalkar ve gider, umarim, umarim” diye dusunuyordum. Hazirlandim, hatta oyle ki banyoya gidip makyaj yaptim, sacimi topladim ve geri geldim. Hala oylece yatakta yatmis beni seyrediyordu. “Uzgunum, gitmem lazim, Pazartesileri hep cok yogun oluyor” dedim. Yuzume anlamsizca bakip guldu ve “bugun Pazar” dedi... FUCK!